Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Last Chance To Save These Chimpanzees

On the morning of July 9th I learned from The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) that NASA planned on using chimpanzees in a cruel radiation experiment. I wrote about it here on that same day.

On August 10th I was delighted to hear of NASA astronaut April Evans leaving her position in protest of NASA harming the monkeys in this horrible and unnecessary torture. I also wrote about it here.

Now I am writing about it again. Why? Because NASA is about to make the decision and we enough attention has been shed on the situation that it could possibly be stopped. The chimpanzees need your help. They cannot speak for themselves.

Click on this link and ask DOE Secretary Steven Chu to halt DOE’s involvement. His facility is set to be used in the radiation experiments.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Urge The DHS To Adopt

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security wants to buy 3,000 dogs from breeders. Thousands of dogs are sitting in shelters waiting to be euthanized who would love this opportunity. Considering that less than half of dogs make it through the training process just means that they are going to create more homeless dogs.

Save lives and save tax payers money. Sounds good to me. Please copy and paste this link into your browser so that you can quickly sign a letter to the DHS and urge them to adopt.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cruelty Free Product List

Check out this easy to use site to find companies and products that are cruelty free. You can search by products, brand names, products that do not test on animals, products that do, vegan friendly, and more.

Start living cruelty free.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sharks Need Your Help

Killing sharks for their fins? Sounds ridiculous right? That is why the US banned it 10 years ago. However, loopholes have made it possible for the practice to continue.

Urge your Senators to end this cruel practice. Copy and paste this link in your browser.


Sunday, August 22, 2010


Check out the new cookbook by Neal Barnard, M.D., and Robyn Webb, M.S. It’s called “Get Healthy, Go Vegan”.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, eat healthier, eat cruelty-free, or hop on a bandwagon, a vegan diet is the way to go.

I lost 10lbs when I went vegetarian and 10 more when I changed to a vegan diet. I eat more food now than I ever have and maintain a healthy weight. It’s an easy transformation if you have the right tools. You just have to learn to shop, cook, read, and prepare different than you have been. It’s good for the environment, good for you, and good for the animals. They say a vegan can save up to 100 animals a year!

Check out this book to get you started.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Help End Animal Testing

Let’s put an end to animal testing. The Toxic Chemicals Safety Act, H.R. 5830 can help. Scientists have developed non-animal methods that are better.

Send a polite email to your Congressional representative and let them know where you stand. Copy and paste this link into your browser.


*photo by www: kyoder1112.files.wordpress.com

Friday, August 20, 2010


A modern, non-animal method for testing for leptospirosis vaccines that has been approved by the U.S. government exists but the Colorado Serum Co. (CSC) is still using hamsters. It’s unnecessary.

They inject them with the live bacteria and do not give them any pain relief as they suffer with blood poisoning, kidney damage, and other painful conditions before death.

Send the CSC a message. Save these hamsters from this cruelty. Copy and paste this link in your browser.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Can you imagine an entire country banning fur that is used for fashion? That is exactly what could happen. The animals need your help. Israel could become the first country in the world to ban fur for fashion!

The bill will be voted on September 2nd. Please act now. Write or email the Minister to let him know you support the ban. The information is below. Just copy and paste.

(From Born Free / From SMART)

The contact details are:

Binyamin Fuad Ben-Eliezer
Minister of Industry, Trade and Employment
5 Bank Israel Street
e-mail: binyaminb@knesset.gov.il and lishka.sar@moital.gov.il
(please keep trying if your email bounces back)

((note from K: you can shorten this AS MUCH as you wish, but the very first sentence is the most important!))

Dear Mister Minister,
I am writing to let you know that I strongly support the bill to ban the fur trade in Israel. This ban would set an important, compassionate example for other countries to follow.
As you know, each year, more than 70 million animals are killed for fashion. Whether used as a full-length coat or simple trim, fur represents senseless pain and suffering.
Wild-caught fur, obtained by setting traps or snares to capture fur-bearing animals, can result in the animal remaining in the trap or snare for several days before starving or slowly strangling to death. If the animal is still alive when the trapper comes to check the trap or snare, it will be beaten over the head or shot. Non-target animals that are accidentally caught and killed in these traps, such as deer, cats, dogs, and squirrels, are called “trash” and discarded.
Israel has a remarkable opportunity to be a world-leader by banning fur nationwide. The government should stand strong and do what’s right, unmoved by the self-interested pleadings of well-paid lobbyists. There is a global groundswell of support for the Israeli legislation in countries that are Israel’s friends and allies. These legions of compassionate citizens will hold Israel up as a beacon of hope for the entire world to see.
Once again, please support the ban on the fur trade to alleviate animal suffering and so that other countries, including the United States, may follow your compassionate lead.

The world asking Israel to pass the bill to ban fur

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Props to April Evans

Being an astronaut is a childhood dream for a lot of people. Let’s be honest, to be able to say “I’m an astronaut” would be pretty cool. This was all true for April Evans, and she just quit. Why? because NASA refused to stop their very cruel experiments on monkeys. This was a very unselfish, courageous, and commendable act by April Evans. Please support April and send this letter to NASA and ask them to stop radiating monkeys.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tribe Of Heart

The Tribe of Heart is an amazing organization. They stand for “peaceful social change”. The message is important. The message is artistic and put together beautifully.
Tribe of Heart has some amazing award winning films. They connect people, animals, and all living things.

They are traveling the country right now screening their newest film Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home. Look for it in your area. (It will be showing at the Sausalito Film Festival in California August 14th)

They also released a great documentary called The Witness. It’s about Eddie Lama who feared and avoided animals until a kitten changed his life. He started an animal rescue and works to spread his message of compassion in New York.

Here is a link to watch The Witness for FREE online. It’s only 40 minutes and it’s amazing. He is a great person with a great story.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Love. Live. Pass It On.

We don’t know which religion is correct. We don’t know where we came from. We don’t know what is outside our solar system. We don’t know if we have a purpose. We don’t know which day will be our last. We don’t know what happens when we die.

All we know is that we are alive and it is amazing. Respect EVERYTHING that is alive. Recognize and appreciate the beauty that is life. We are all miracles. There is never a reason to kill ANYTHING (that isn’t trying to kill you-sorry Gandhi-I love you but if a bear or a bad guy is about to attack me I’m probably going to try and kill him.)

It is a simple message and a simple way to live. Just respect other living things. Apply the golden rule to everything. Love. Live. Pass it on.

*artwork by Roots Concepts

Friday, August 6, 2010

Paper Please.

Garbage has an effect on animals. It invades on their space. It chokes them. It ties them to things. It pollutes.

I was amazed when I saw the pictures of the Pacific Garbage Patch (shown at left). I had heard of it but I had never seen it until today.

Getting paper instead of plastic is easy. It’s even better to bring a bag. A lot of grocery stores are giving credit for bringing in your own bag. I live outside of Detroit and Kroger gives you 10 cents for every bag you bring in and Trader Joe’s puts you in a drawing to win prizes.

California is trying to pass a bill to ban single use plastic bags. Props to the sunshine state. You don’t have to live in Cali to show your support. Sign this petition and let’s start a trend.


Thursday, August 5, 2010


The Great Ape Protection Act has been introduced in the House of Representatives (Thanks to Sen. Maria Cantwell). Now let’s get it passed.

The U.S. has over 1,000 chimpanzees in labs. Most of them are kept in small cages. They are all experimented on. They are all harmed. Most of them face death (if they are lucky).

Almost 150 members of the House support it. The act needs your help to pass in Congress. Please call your Senator and urge them to support and or co-sponsor the act. All you have to do is leave a message. Tell them what State you live in and urge them to support “S. 3694” if they have not already. Feel free to add in the fact that it will save taxpayers $20-25 MILLION!!

If you live in Michigan then you want to call Sen. Levin @ 202.224.6221 and Sen. Stabenow @ 202.224.4822.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


On July 28th, the Parliament of Catalonia passed a vote to ban bullfighting. Catalonia is in the north-eastern part of Spain where as you know bull fighting is prominent. Catalonia is the first region on the Spanish mainland to do this. Much props to them for being leaders and outlawing the gruesome and cruel tradition.
Bullfighting is not a sport. It’s a barbaric activity that involves men taking turns tormenting and stabbing them until the animals spinal cord gets severed at the end. They do this to over 10,000 bulls a year-for entertainment.
Now let’s urge Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the Prime Minister of Spain, to do the same. Here is a link to email him and urge him to join Catalonia in this progressive and kind decision. The email is filled out, just sign and hit send.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Do Something for Endangered Species in the Gulf

President Obama, Secretary Salazar, and Adm. Thad Allen need to get the message. The animals affected by this oil spill need help. 40+ species are threatened!! We put them in this position and we need to help them out of it. The governments “red tape” is stopping rescuers! Lets stop them. Tell the official to do more. Please sign this petition.

Take action link: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AFZE1/zKar/BenZ9

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson is always doing great things to create awareness about animal suffering. She is always doing her part to promote going vegetarian. I salute her.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Going vegan saves about 100 animals a year.

Do I need to say anymore?

It reduces your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, osteoporosis, and cataracts to name a few.

It is good for the environment.

You will lose weight.

Check out a more in depth list at The Nursing Degree website.
