Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Healthy Food For Kids

YO! Get on this. We NEED this bill to pass. Congress is about to vote on the Child Nutrition Act. How can you not want our nation’s kids to have access to healthier food? We need to make this happen for them. I know what I ate at school and it wasn’t healthy.

Click on this link to have an automatic email sent to Congress.

PS-Jillian Michaels supports it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Elephants Never Forget

A lot has been done to expose the cruel reality that is a circus. The protests are working. Attendance numbers are down. However many battles we win, the war is not over.

Karen, Nicole, Bonnie, and Minyak were recently checked out by a veterinarian and the results were not good but pretty standard. They abuse these elephants both physically and emotionally. They are chained, whipped, and overworked.

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus needs to be held accountable. Elephants are meant be quietly roaming in the wild. They don’t deserve to be chained and housed in tiny box cars full of feces and urine.

Please click on the link below to urge Secretary of Agriculture Thomas J. Vilsack to save these poor girls.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kitten Needs A Home

This little guy needs a home. If you or anyone you know would like an addition to the family, call me 248.705.8294.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Police Throw Dog Down Stairwell and Shoot Him

On September 12th, police arrived on the scene at a festival in Washington, D.C. after two dogs had an altercation. The caretakers had already broken up the fight. That did not stop the officer from pinning Parrot to the ground with his knee, throwing him down a concrete stairwell, and then shooting him. Yes, what you just read is true.

Please demand that the police department investigate and hopefully take action against this officer. Click on the link to take action and sign a petition

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Elizabeth Kucinich is Hot

Elizabeth Kucinich is hot and her message is important. Her being attractive has nothing to do with my posting I just thought I would point that out. She is the Director of Public Affairs for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). She is the wife of Senator Dennis Kucinich. They are both vegans who do a tremendous amount of work for animals.

PCRM is trying to get a bill passed to improve school lunches. People develop poor eating habits at a young age. Child obesity is common. Children should have healthy options. Do we really want to put unhealthy chemical based foods into our children?

The link on the bottom of this posting will take you to a page to send an email to Congress to support the bill. Please do your part to help children eat healthy.

A message from Elizabeth Kucinich

"Congress is on the verge of voting for a new Child Nutrition Act, and we’ve received word that an excellent House version of the bill, which would allow more children to have access to healthful plant-based options, may be rejected for a much weaker, stripped-down Senate version.

This Senate version will make it harder for children to choose healthy food options in the cafeteria.

Our chance to improve school lunches across the nation lies in the hands of Congress today! Please urge key leaders in the House to pass the superior House bill, H.R. 5504, and reject the Senate’s bill, S. 3307.

Send a letter to Congress before it’s too late!"


Elizabeth Kucinich

Director of Public and Government Affairs

Monday, September 20, 2010

Walk For Animals in Detroit

October 3rd 2010, the Michigan Humane Society is putting on a walk for animals in Detroit. This is a great way to show your support for animals.

Please join me and thousands of other people to send a message to the world that we care about animals. Click on the link for more information.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stop Cruelty

I can understand why people eat animals. I did it for years. It’s how we are brought up. Society says it’s “OK” and even encourages it. Although I wish the whole world was vegan, I know that it is an uphill battle.
I can’t for the life of me understand why people would test on animals. It is horrifying. It makes me sick. Torture is barbaric in any form. Animals have feelings. They want to survive. No living thing should have to be tortured and killed to help another. It’s not fair. It’s wrong.

Companies are smearing deadly chemicals on animals, hurting them, killing them, torturing them, abusing them, starving them, and eventually killing them.

Please make a conscious effort to support cruelty free companies.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Utah Shelter Dogs Need Your Help

The North Utah Valley Animal Shelter is selling dogs to the University of Utah to be used in cruel experiments.

Cruel as in having their chests cut open, holes drilled into their skulls, hard plastic tubes shoved down their throats. The death part of the experiment would be the best part. This is horrible.

This particular animal shelter is the only one in the state of Utah that still sells dogs to be experimented on.

Please take the time to send a letter to the shelter and ask them to stop. The letter is already filled out, just click on the link to help these poor dogs.

Friday, September 17, 2010


I would like to send a much deserved thank you to Toys “R” Us, Target, Rite Aid, Eckerd, Walgreens, JCPenney, and Albertsons for pulling the tiny tanks for fish and frogs from their shelves.

This type of action doesn’t happen without people emailing these companies and demanding change. It’s nice when we win one for the animals.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Frogs Need YOU

Coach House Gifts (CHG) is selling frogs in tiny plastic boxes. Frogs are meant to be in ponds. Leave them in their natural habitat. Why would you want a frog anyway? The capturing, shipping, maintaining, and selling method for this is cruel and unusual.

Last month in Sierra Vista Mall in California, 37 of 40 frogs died when a shipment hiccup left the frogs to die in hot boxes. Wild Creations is the company who ships these frogs and it is reported that they ships up to 100 “replacement” frogs EVERY day for the frogs that don’t make it. The frogs have been known to eat each other due to starvation.

Please join PETA in asking CHG CEO Craig Walker to ban the sale of these cruel products. A simple click on the link and everything is already filled out. Just click again and help these frogs.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The University of Michigan’s nursing program is tormenting live cats and pigs. The university has the technology to use simulators. This doesn’t need to happen.

UofM is purchasing cats from local shelters to use in these horrible and deadly experiments. They are forcing tubes down their throats and stabbing pigs.

Please click on this link to send an email to university officials.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tough To Read

I know that it can be difficult to read about and hard to imagine, but if you don’t do something to help these animals, nobody will. They need our voice.

Professional Laboratory and Research Services (PLRS) was the subject of a 9 month undercover investigation by PETA. The company, based in North Carolina, tests products for veterinary medicine for Bayer, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Novartis, Schering-Plough and Merial.

What they found was disturbing. Force-feeding cats and dogs, smearing harmful chemicals on their skin, burning, forced to sit in piss and feces, sprayed with bleach, kicking, throwing, screaming, seizures, bleeding, and finally death.

Please help them by clicking on the link and lending your voice.

Monday, September 13, 2010

4,000 Monkeys Need You

Puerto Rican Senators are urging U.S. government agencies to stop Bioculture Puerto Rico, Inc. from importing and breeding monkeys at facility in Guyama.

If the U.S. allows it, 4,000 monkeys will be forced to breed, imprisoned, poisoned, tortured and murdered.

Please click on the link to send an email to the Puerto Rican Senators.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Loggerhead Sea Turtles Need Your Help

Turtles have been swimming the oceans for over 100 million years. They have withstood a lot. But nothing on Earth can withstand humans. Maybe not even the Earth itself.

Humans have destroyed their natural habitats, poached them, caught them, and now we have covered them in oil. They face extinction.

Now is the time to help. You have until September 13th to tell the Government to put them on the endangered species list.

Let’s save them. Please click on the link.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


By now, everyone has heard about the egg recall. Thousands of people are sick from salmonella poisoning.

What a lot of people don’t know is that the bad eggs came from just two factory farms. 95% of eggs come from factory farms. The cute little picture of happy animals laying healthy eggs on the box is far from true. If you don’t believe me, have a look for yourself. Put “factory farm” into your search engine or on and watch a video. You should know where the food you’re putting into you and your family comes from.

The conditions are terrible to say the least. They live and die in battery cages full of feces so small they usually cannot turn around.

As a vegan, people always ask me why I don’t eat eggs. I think it’s gross and weird. I don’t like the idea of eating something that if it was fertilized would turn into a bird. I also don’t like eating membranes.