Friday, October 29, 2010

Yo Missouri! Vote Yes on Prob B

The state of Missouri has a proposition on the ballot that will stop puppy mill abuse. I wish it was to stop puppy mills period but it’s a step in the right direction. Voting is Tuesday. Thousands of voters are undecided.

Tony La Russa is the St. Louis Cardinals manager. He is a shoe in for the hall of fame. He is also a vegetarian and an animal rights activist. The Missourians for the Protection of Dogs group needs $29,000 to air TV ads starring La Russa during the World Series.

If you can spare anything, click on this link to donate.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Be Comfortable In Your Own Skin

Schwiezer Fernsehen is a Swiss TV station that recently aired footage of snakes, crocodiles, and alligators being beaten to death with hammers.

The exotic-skins trade is gross, cruel, and unnecessary. Jimmy Choo, a designer, knows about the suffering these animals endure and he still uses the skins in his works.

PROPS to STELLA McCARTNEY, MARC BOWER, NIKE, COLE HAAN, H&M, and VICTORIA’S SECRET for choosing NOT to support this cruel trade.

Click on this link to send a message to Jimmy Choo.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Props to Toledo

It’s always nice to post things about people doing the right thing for animals. The City Council in Toledo, Ohio just passed a breed-neutral dog ordinance this month. Finally, the law puts the responsibility of dogs on the people who keep them as companions.

They don’t mention any specific breeds, which is great. Most cities and states ban “specific” breeds usually resulting in pit bull bans. Animal rights activists and pit bull lovers have been fighting for this for a long time so it’s nice to write about a victory.

Pit bulls are great dogs. Terrible people train, abuse, and force them to be aggressive. Just like people, some animals might not be born “right” but it is not specific to breeds. People tend to prey on pit bulls.

You can read all about the new law and sign a petition to end breed specific legislation in Denver by clicking on this link.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Only 4,000 Bison Left

The wild bison is a beautiful and amazing animal. They are also on the long list of animals that have proven to be able to survive everything except humans. This continent was home to tens of millions of wild bison. Now there are around four thousand.

Yellowstone National Park is where they currently reside. Every winter they face a food shortage and some of the bison go off on their own to find food. The livestock industry, which makes millions off of killing other animals, worries that the bison will bring disease to their livestock. They slaughtered almost two thousand bison in 08. Let’s protect them this year.

Please sign the petition to tell federal officials to stop killing bison.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I can’t do anything about the Detroit Lions bad luck. If I could start a petition to save them I would. But I can help the real lions for which the team was named after. One of the most iconic animals ever is facing extinction due to habitat loss, poaching, and poisoning.

The Great Cats and Rare Canids Act has been introduced to the Senate to help provide funding for these amazing animals. Please click on this link to urge our senators to support this.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


From Kelli at S.M.A.R.T.

“Perhaps you received an email similar to this one:

IF you have heard about the mother black bear biting the 21 yr old hunter in the Petoskey area this past weekend, did you know that they plan to capture her and kill her? This is per the Chief of Wildlife, MDNRE, Russ Mason.

Please take a moment to help her, she was simply protecting her cubs.

This family of bears, mother and 3 cubs have been in the media for almost a yr in the Petoskey area. All that time it was "ahhhhh" stories. NOW, this 21 yr old hunter goes hunting w/fried chicken smells on his clothing, climbs a tree stand, the cubs tried to climb the tree, he shouted at 2 of them, they climbed down, but the 3rd one continued to climb, the hunter PUNCHED and ELBOWED the cub until it fell from the tree limbs, the mother bear protecting her cubs bit the hunter in the leg, requiring stitches. Russ Mason says it must be destroyed now that it ATTACKED a human.


We need to step up the pressure to help save this bear. Contact Gov. Granholm and ask that she intervenes to stop this injustice. The bear was doing what she's supposed to do, protect her cubs! Please leave a polite message. If phone inbox is full, send her an e-mail. She needs to hear from us asap!

Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm
PHONE: (517) 373-3400
PHONE: (517) 335-7858 - Constituent Services
FAX:(517) 335-6863

web: http://www.michigan.g...

You can also follow up your phone call to MDNRE's Wildlife Chief, Russ Mason, with an e-mail.

Wildlife, Russ Mason, Chief
phone: 517-373-9311



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Check Out Pit Boss

Check out the show “Pit Boss” on Animal Planet. They help pit bulls and help raise awareness on this amazing breed. Pit bulls need all the help they can get. They are not born with the aggressive tendencies you often read about. People raise them to be this way. I have multiple friends who have pit bulls and they all have children and other pets and have never had an issue.

Here is a link about the show.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tell YouTube To Ban Animal Cruelty

A video was posted on YouTube this year of a teenage girl throwing live puppies into a river. You may have heard her referred to as the “red hooded girl”. This one would probably surprise Charles Manson. Or scare him.

The girl was identified in Bosnia. This would be great news except for the fact that the Bosnian police are not planning on pressing charges. This girl is now “infamous” and probably enjoying the attention.

Please buy me a plane ticket to Bosnia so I can serve justice the “Frank Castle” way. Or at least join me in sending a message to YouTube that they need to treat crimes against animals seriously.

Click on this link to sign.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I don’t know what else to say. Maybe “Oh my God or Holy Sh*t" This is an act so horrible that the English language does not have a word to describe it.

Two men have been arrested for be-heading a 2 year old dog with a chainsaw. They decided to use a chainsaw after they failed with a knife. They said that they were doing it because it bit a kid visiting them. Ok, so cut his head off. What?!!

How did they find out that these guys did this? A child services investigator was notified of several children suffering from nightmares. What?!! They did this in front of kids? Yes.

Please sign this petition so that these psychos are punished to the fullest extent. I’m going to go throw up now.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Wolf Hunting

This whole using helicopters and poisonous gas thing to kill wolves is ridiculous. We need to stick up for these guys. The wolf population is already threatened.

The federal Wildlife Services group is going to work with officials in Idaho to murder up to 80% of the wolves in Idaho. They will be killing entire packs. Gassing wolf pups in wolf dens.

Please urge Secretary Vilsack to stop the killing by clicking on the link and signing the petition. If you don’t, a werewolf will eat you.