Saturday, May 7, 2011

Animal Recovery Mission

I just watched a great piece on ESPN about horse slaughter. Horse slaughter was instrumental in me going vegetarian. My girlfriend was working on a project for school about horse slaughter and wanted me to watch a video that she couldn’t handle watching. After watching the video in horror, I started getting linked to other slaughter house footage and was on my way to a life style change and ultimately veganism and animal activism.

Richard Couto, aka “Kudo” was a volunteer/member of the SPCA in Florida. He was eventually elected to the Board of Directors. He was influential in shedding light on the horse slaughters taking place in his state. He adopted a rescued former racing horse, and went on to form the Animal Recovery Mission, ARM. His story is very inspiring and exposes a black market operation filled with mafia thugs, murderers, and animal abusers. Many of these horses are former racing horses.

Check out Kudo’s amazing story by clicking on this link and watching the 10 min show.


Also, support his great organization by clicking on this link to view his site.

Please do not support any exploitation of animals including horse racing.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Help Put An End To The Cruel Ivory Trade

Do we really need to kill one of the most amazing and beautiful animals on the planet for jewelry? Really, aren’t we exploiting elephants enough in zoos and circuses? Please click on the link and sign this petition to tell the European Union to oppose any further international ivory trade.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cruelty Free Kicks

I love hearing about companies that make “cruelty free” shoes. Leather is completely unnecessary to use anymore. We have developed great man made materials that are better.

I just found out about a great new company in Detroit that has some leather free shoes that are super unique (all limited editions) and look sweet. They also have a great selection of T-shirts. Check em’ out.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Rosie was separated from her mother as a child. She was taken to a research lab in San Antonio and subjected to abusive experiments. She finally found a little peace when she was taken to a primate facility. Now they want her back. She has given enough. She is old, diseased, and has permanent injuries both mentally and physically.

Please join me in telling the National Institute of Health (NIH) to remove her and 13 other chimpanzees from the lab and take them to a primate facility.

If you need some motivation, please watch the video below. It should inspire you to sign this petition, shop cruelty free and do more for animals. It is very graphic, but it is important to see. If you cannot stand to watch it, imagine if you were forced to live it like these animals. Vivisection is a terrible and unnecessary form of abuse.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Reason To Boycott Seafood

Everyone loves turtles. What’s not to love about a turtle? It’s like a little old grandpa slowly buzzing around doing his thing. They have a sense of wisdom in their eyes and history in their wrinkled skin. The species is over 200 million years old! They have survived everything. The only thing that stands to kill off this amazing species is humans.

People don’t realize that every time you eat seafood, you are killing turtles. A major cause of death for sea turtles is getting caught in fishing nets and long line fishing hooks. They are pulled under water and drowned.

Please boycott seafood and check out Oceana to learn more or to donate to help turtles.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Save Baby Seals

As an activist, sometimes it is overwhelming when you recognize the work that needs to be done. However, it is always inspiring when a victory is possible. I believe that we will see a day, at least in this country, where people will not wear fur.

For this to happen, we must continue to fight hard and boycott whenever we can. Boycotts are the best way to send a message. Join me in pledging with the Humane Society to boycott seafood and send a message to Canada that the seal slaughter needs to end.

The hunt is ridiculous. The Canadian fishing industry kills baby seals in the “off-season” for a very small amount of money just because of the fishing lull. If you boycott seafood, you send a message to the industry by forcing them to lose money.

Click here to add your name to the boycott

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Help Protect Buffalo

Secretary Salazar is using your tax dollars to harass and kill Yellowstone buffalo. Why cant people just let animals be? Stop interfering and stop thinking you can control everything. Please join me in sending a message to Secretary Salazar encouraging him to stop the unnecessary killing of these animals. (You can also view a video of what is going on in this link. )