Thursday, December 23, 2010

Elephants Being Killed For Jewelry

Check out this email I received from Emily L. of ThePetitionSite and then act on it.

“Hi Daniel,

Just because we don't live in a country where elephants are being poached, doesn't mean we aren't supporting it. Shockingly, the U.S. is one of the largest retail markets for imported ivory and therefore a major driver of elephant poaching in Africa.

This is sickening and needs to change. Tell President Obama to close the loophole that makes this possible!

Asian and African elephants are in major danger. Populations are falling quickly, due in large part to the greedy poachers who kill an entire animal just for their valuable tusks. Since 2005, the ivory industry has catapulted, leaving elephants to bear the burden of our desire for trinkets and souvenirs.

The U.S. should be ashamed of its involvement in such cruel and brutal killings of this suffering species.

You can help. Join me in telling President Obama that you won't stand for the U.S. supporting elephant poaching any longer.“


Pic from Care2

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