Saturday, May 7, 2011

Animal Recovery Mission

I just watched a great piece on ESPN about horse slaughter. Horse slaughter was instrumental in me going vegetarian. My girlfriend was working on a project for school about horse slaughter and wanted me to watch a video that she couldn’t handle watching. After watching the video in horror, I started getting linked to other slaughter house footage and was on my way to a life style change and ultimately veganism and animal activism.

Richard Couto, aka “Kudo” was a volunteer/member of the SPCA in Florida. He was eventually elected to the Board of Directors. He was influential in shedding light on the horse slaughters taking place in his state. He adopted a rescued former racing horse, and went on to form the Animal Recovery Mission, ARM. His story is very inspiring and exposes a black market operation filled with mafia thugs, murderers, and animal abusers. Many of these horses are former racing horses.

Check out Kudo’s amazing story by clicking on this link and watching the 10 min show.


Also, support his great organization by clicking on this link to view his site.

Please do not support any exploitation of animals including horse racing.

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