Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Props to Toledo

It’s always nice to post things about people doing the right thing for animals. The City Council in Toledo, Ohio just passed a breed-neutral dog ordinance this month. Finally, the law puts the responsibility of dogs on the people who keep them as companions.

They don’t mention any specific breeds, which is great. Most cities and states ban “specific” breeds usually resulting in pit bull bans. Animal rights activists and pit bull lovers have been fighting for this for a long time so it’s nice to write about a victory.

Pit bulls are great dogs. Terrible people train, abuse, and force them to be aggressive. Just like people, some animals might not be born “right” but it is not specific to breeds. People tend to prey on pit bulls.

You can read all about the new law and sign a petition to end breed specific legislation in Denver by clicking on this link.

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