Monday, February 28, 2011


Get healthy, lose weight, save animals, save yourself, look good, eat good, live good, and feel good about it. Go Vegan. I did it. Alicia Silverstone did it. Andre 3000 did it. Joaquin Phoenix did it. Tobey Maguire did it. You can too. CLICK HERE FOR A FREE VEGETARIAN STARTER KIT

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This CHANGED my life

Simply put…..this changed my life. Not in a, “I found a great new yogurt” kind of way but in a “holy shit!” kind of way. Please set aside 90 minutes and have your life changed.
Thanks to Nation Earth and Joaquin Phoenix.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vegan Fast Food?!?!!?

I did not expect this. I have to admit, it would be pretty cool.

Two executives, formerly of McCruelty (AKA McDonalds), are opening a fast food style restaurant with vegan options. They hope to open hundreds of them across the nation.

I don’t know if they are trying to get some good karma after years of killing animals and fattening kids or just recognizing the financial potential of a nation that finally might be becoming more health conscious. Either way, if its vegan, I will support it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


It’s been awhile since I posted. I am still settling after a long move. I will be posting on a regular basis again now.

I want to share a victory story. I frequently post petitions and links to email people/companies about stopping cruel animal testing. It’s nice to post stories of success. After a week of PETA supporters emailing and calling, PCMC in Salt Lake City, Utah has decided to NOT engage in cruel tests on shelter cats.

It’s sad that things like this are even considered. It is nice when it gets stopped. Think about the cats that were about to have hard plastic tubes repeatedly forced down their throats. Thanks to the people who signed the petitions and made the phone calls. These things work. We need to speak for those that cannot speak for themselves.