Saturday, March 19, 2011


Rosie was separated from her mother as a child. She was taken to a research lab in San Antonio and subjected to abusive experiments. She finally found a little peace when she was taken to a primate facility. Now they want her back. She has given enough. She is old, diseased, and has permanent injuries both mentally and physically.

Please join me in telling the National Institute of Health (NIH) to remove her and 13 other chimpanzees from the lab and take them to a primate facility.

If you need some motivation, please watch the video below. It should inspire you to sign this petition, shop cruelty free and do more for animals. It is very graphic, but it is important to see. If you cannot stand to watch it, imagine if you were forced to live it like these animals. Vivisection is a terrible and unnecessary form of abuse.

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