Monday, March 14, 2011

Save Baby Seals

As an activist, sometimes it is overwhelming when you recognize the work that needs to be done. However, it is always inspiring when a victory is possible. I believe that we will see a day, at least in this country, where people will not wear fur.

For this to happen, we must continue to fight hard and boycott whenever we can. Boycotts are the best way to send a message. Join me in pledging with the Humane Society to boycott seafood and send a message to Canada that the seal slaughter needs to end.

The hunt is ridiculous. The Canadian fishing industry kills baby seals in the “off-season” for a very small amount of money just because of the fishing lull. If you boycott seafood, you send a message to the industry by forcing them to lose money.

Click here to add your name to the boycott

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