Saturday, July 31, 2010


If you are going to welcome an animal into your home, it is important to get them from the right place.
It is also important to recognize that you are taking on a life and must be willing to completely commit yourself to their well being. It should be along the same lines as having a child. Animals live for a long time. They need love, shelter, care, attention, food, water, and commitment just like all of us. Millions of animals are in shelters waiting for you to save them.
They say people with animal companions live longer. They will give you peace and love. They make you feel calm. They will be happy to see you at the end of the day no matter what.
If you are ready to make the commitment, please make sure you do the research and go to the right place.
Here is a link to an amazing adoption center in Canton, Michigan. The Homeward Bound Rescue League is a non-profit, no kill rescue. They accept all breeds. It’s an all volunteer organization. This is the kind of place you want to go to.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Celebrity Video Testimonials

This is a great link. Check out video testimonials from celebrities about going vegan and vegetarian.
Some of the actors included are-Alicia Silverstone, Casey Affleck, Mike White, and Forrest Whittaker.
Some of the athletes included are-NHL star Georges Laraque, NBA champion John Salley, and MMA fighter Mac Danzig.
Some of the musicians-Paul McCartney, Masta Killa, Joan Jett, and Bryan Adams.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Dear All, I am hoping our networking skills can be used to save some lives. A local college has 100 or so degus to “gift” due to a lab closure. Any animals who can’t find homes by the end of the week will be humanely euthanized.
Degus are sweet rodents and make good pets. They are very smart and active during the day. Here’s a link to their wiki information: http://en.wikipedia.o.../
The Humane Society will help facilitate the transfer of these animals. If you are interested in taking on a pocket pet, or know anyone who is, please call me directly at 269.963.1796, ext. 13. Please forward this information on to your friends and family as well. Thank you so much for your help!
Jessica Jessica Gilbert
Executive Director Humane Society of South Central Michigan
2500 Watkins Road Battle Creek, MI 49015
More info from Allison: -Degu's closest relative is the Guinea Pig so they make the same kind of noises. -Life span is 5-8 years, I don't know how old these are. -They eat the same thing as the GPs minus the pellets and plus seeds and less veggies. Also fruit s/b only avail in very small quantities. -They play soccer with the cat balls that have little bells in them:
Websites with additional info:

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Please Act On This

It was hard to believe when I first heard about it but “crush” videos are real. People pay to watch videos of women in high-heeled shoes impaling, crushing, stepping on, stomping, and smothering small animals for sexual pleasure.

Since it is illegal for me to just murder these people, we have to rely on the government to do something about it. The U.S. Supreme Court has invalidated the ban on commercial sales of these videos! I don’t know why this is even up for discussion. It’s disgusting, weird, and cruel. How can anyone debate that?

Thanks to Senators Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Richard Burr (R-NC), and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) a bill has been introduced to the Senate.

Now is where you come in. Please call your Senators and urge them to join as cosponsors of the crush video bill.
Here is a link to find your Senators names and numbers

Next, electronically sign this email to send to your Senators. Then, feel good about yourself.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sheryl Crow Says You Can Help Video

Sheryl Crow has put out another video to stop animal cruelty. One of her new songs is playing and she gives a positive message for the betterment of animals. And she is hot. Check out the 2 minute video.

Monday, July 26, 2010

These chimpanzees need your help!

The NIH has already sent 15 chimpanzees to Texas to be experimented on with painful and often deadly experiments. They are planning on sending over 200! These chimpanzees are in a “holding facility” right now in New Mexico. They have already been subject to “testing”.

It only takes 30 seconds of your time to help. Just fill out your name and send the email. The subject is already written. You can customize it if you like.

Much props to New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. He sent a letter to the NIH director urging him to retire the chimpanzees pointing out that they have already been experimented on.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

After years of hard work, PCRM was able to convince the University Of Wisconsin School Of Medicine to stop using LIVE PIGS in student training.
Now they need our help to save frogs, rabbits, and rats from live testing at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Ninety-five percent of U.S. med schools have stopped using live animals. Encourage MCW to do the same.
The letter is filled out. Just click and that is it.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Help Orange Roughy

Costco is selling unsustainable fish. It’s as simple as that. When Trader Joe’s received a letter like this one from enough people they pulled the red listed fish off their shelves. Encourage Costco to do the same. It’s good for the ocean, you, and the fish. The letter is filled out. Just electronically sign and feel good about yourself.

Great Cats Need A Home

I am trying to find a home for 2 cats. One male I is 2 and one female is 3. I briefly met them and they were great little guys. Both were very friendly. If anyone is interested or knows someone who is, please call me at 248-705-8294 (Dan). Thanks.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Food For Thought

Oh man this is awesome.

One of the guys from the Southeastern Michigan Animal Rights Team (S.M.A.R.T.) that I volunteer with was taking donations to put up a billboard to promote going vegetarian. The billboard poses the question “Why love one but eat the other?” with a picture of a dog next to a pig. He has done this before and it’s a great cause wherever the billboard ends up but this placement could not have been better. It’s right on top of a Tubby’s and next to a Wendy’s!! Hahaha!!
This is in Ferndale.

Here is a link to S.M.A.R.T. It’s a great site and a great group of people. You can do as little or as much as you want.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gouged with bull hooks, dragged, electrocuted, lassoed, tethered, beaten, slammed to the ground, and confined for years so that you can entertain children. This is the harsh reality of what elephants go thru courtesy of Ringling Bros. You can look at the pictures or videos if you don’t believe me.
Denny's, MasterCard, Sears, Liz Claiborne, Delia's, and D'Agostino all quit promoting anything to do with Ringling after they saw. Props to them.
You can do something too. Click on the link and tell Travelzoo to stop promoting it. The letter is already filled out. Just electronically sign and help these big guys.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This is quick, easy, and necessary. If you haven’t heard, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) is trying to get a bill passed that will help get healthier meals into schools. We all remember school lunches. They were quick, gross, and unhealthy. We should not be putting crap into the kids who will make up our future. Kids should have a chance to eat healthy at school. Shoving pizza and fried foods in their face every day is unhealthy, irresponsible, and unfair. Help get this passed. You can click on the link to call your representative (they provide points to make so it is easy).

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Save Chimpanzees from suffering in laboratories and save taxpayers $20+ million!! It is as easy as it sounds. Urge your representative to co-sponsor the Great Ape Protection Act (GAPA). The letter is already filled out. All you have to do is electronically sign online and click send.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Save the oceans

We all want clean water and we all want less dependency on foreign countries for oil. We all want less dependency on oil in general for that matter.
That is why I am posting this link. Three innovative people/companies have been given a chance to devise a plan to minimize off shore drilling. The winner gets a grant. It protects our oceans. If our oceans are protected than so are the countless species in the oceans. It’s the least we can do for our fish. They don’t pollute our area, let’s stop polluting theirs.
The ideas are summed up in a paragraph (you can view the whole presentation if you want). You can’t make the wrong choice. All of them will help us, the oceans, and everything in them. Check it out and vote. It takes less than 5 minutes to read and vote.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Some things are just common sense to me. I don’t know why anybody would want to NUKE a monkey. I can’t imagine that only animal rights activists care to do anything about things like this. Nobody should ever have to get hurt or killed for someone else’s advancement. NASA is about to fund (with tax money of course-$1.75 million!!!) space radiation experiments on live squirrel monkeys.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) is doing something about it and you can too. They have put up billboards protesting the action all around McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts (where it will take place), they have started a petition, they have peacefully protested the site, and they have found several primate sanctuaries willing to take in the monkeys if they are released.
The monkeys will be exposed to harmful radiation at a lab, shipped to the hospital, housed alone in steel cages for at least four years, compelled to perform tasks to test for impairment, and subjected to daily restraints. What? Why would anyone do that to anything? Is Hitler behind this?
Please sign the petition by clicking on the link. It’s quick and easy. A few seconds of your time could spare these monkeys four or more years of torture.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The dog on the left is Rascal. He is a 3 year old boy. He is good with other dogs and cats.

The dog on the left is Laya. She is a very sweet Jack Russell Terrier.

Both of them have been deserted because their human “families” are having babies (We clearly did not put the human in humane). Obviously these people have animals and babies for selfish reasons. You don’t take in a life only to give it up when another life comes in the picture. When you take in a life, it is just that-life. You don’t get rid of it when it is convenient. I wonder if these people know the responsibilities that come with having a baby. It’s going to be around for awhile. It doesn’t go to the bathroom outside.

Both of these dogs are at Waggs and Wishes in Ferndale waiting for a loving person to come rescue them and give them the second chance at life they should never have been faced with. (734) 658-1268.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Inn Season Cafe Recipes

If you live in the Royal Oak, Michigan area, I highly recommend the Inn Season Café. The restaurant is all vegetarian and everything on the menu can be made vegan. The food is amazing. The Sunday brunch (pictured) is “fuhhgeett abooouuuttt iiiitt”.

The restaurant opened in 1981. Back then there was not nearly as many vegans/vegetarians or people looking for healthy meals. The Inn Season Café survived by making great food that was healthier.

The Inn Season recipes have been made available to the public for the first time in George Vutetakis new book “Vegetarian Traditions”. The food, people, ambience, history, and idea of The Inn Season are unique. Be sure to check out the restaurant and the book.

Here is a link to George Vutetakis website “The Vegetarian Guy”

Here is a link to The Inn Season Café’s website

Never Forget Me

by Philip Lumbang