Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Props to Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio is doing his part to save tigers. After a flight scare leaving the U.S. (other pilots saw a flash of light in the engine), Leo hopped on a different plane to get to Russia for a summit on saving these beautiful cats. The second plane had to make a “pit stop” in Finland to refuel because the wind was so bad.

DiCaprio arrived safely at the summit in Russia. He has already helped raise over $20 million, but that didn’t stop him from putting up $1 million of his own money.

I think Putin said it best when he said "If wildlife and tiger conservation is in the hands of people with such character, we are destined to succeed”.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Show Support For Tigers

There are only 3,200 tigers in the wild. I repeat.... there are only 3,200 tigers in the wild.

This week, the summit will meet to discuss saving this amazing species. It is the first time that they have met just to discuss one animal.

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is working with Sen. John Kerry and Rep. Madeleine Bordallo to introduce a resolution in Congress to urge the U.S. to support the tigers.

Please click on the link to send a message to your rep’s in Congress to let them know you support this.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Help An Old Guy Out....Will Ya

53-year old Flo, 51-year old Guy, and 44-year old Owen need your help. They cannot help themselves because they are chimpanzees being held captive. They have not been used in research since 2001. Now, they are about to be tested on again.

Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture asking them to stop the transfer of 186 chimpanzees to a research lab in Texas.

Please join Bill Richardson in doing the right thing, saving you tax money, and more importantly, saving these chimpanzees.

Click on the link to ask your congressperson for support.


This is a picture of Heidi (also known as #CA0091) a 27-year old female with the group.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Tune in or set your TiVo/dvr on Saturday November 27th at 10pm to Pit bulls and Parolees. The Animal Planet will be donating to the Pit Bull sanctuary for every viewer who tunes in.

Pit Bulls and Parolees is a very entertaining show about the Villalobos Rescue Center run by Tia Torres. They rehabilitate pit bulls and people who have been recently paroled. The parolees are trained to work with the dogs.

It’s a great show and you can help by watching. They do a great thing for these people and these animals. Please remember to tune in.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

THANKSGIVING by Saul Williams

"I've been through many phases in my life and I purposely start this missive in remembrance of my days of being militantly anti-Thanksgiving in deep respect of the millions of Native Americans that were massacred across this land. But with time, comes forgiveness, and me and many of my militant or once militant friends have come to forgive the horrid realities of the first Thanksgiving to delve deeper into the simple warmth and beauty of being surrounded by loved ones and good food on a cozy November day.

Well, the story goes that as age progresses so does wisdom, our understanding of compassion, and for some, the fervor of our militancy. Although, I seldom bring up unfortunate misgivings of the Native Americans (I leave that to the pre-teens at the table who are just cutting their teeth on thinking outside of the box), me and the teenagers have begun to warm up to the plight of the Turkey.

Just last year, I spent a Friday evening with a young turkey that had been rescued from a factory farm. It was warm and fuzzy like a cat, it purred when I rubbed its belly, it looked me in my eyes with the same understanding that I see in my dogs and spent an hour playing nicely with me and my niece. It didn't take long for me to regain my anti-Thanksgiving stance, but this time with a new cause: an end to uncompassionate traditions.

Why participate in a practice that does more harm than good on a day when gratitude and compassion should rule?

Why not give the planet something to be thankful for? And your body. A good choice of seitan, field grains, or tofu stuffed with a chicken-broth free stuffing and smothered in mushroom gravy (the gravy is the key!) is a scrumptious way of saying thank you to the Earth and life that nourishes our existence on this planet. I know that being 'green' or cruelty free seems like a simple trend, but so did being anti-slavery, or pro-womens rights.

The fact is that the growing popularity of vegetarianism is inevitable, but your participation in a nationwide pastime blinded by its ode to the past is not. The future is now and cannot include the mindless ingestion of cruelty in all its forms while waving flags for peace. If you envision a non-violent world, participate in the one that already exists. It is as simple as a choice you can make here and now to try something new this November, to distinguish your recipes from your grandmothers. Replace the lard with something that won't kill grandpa. Replace your insensitivity with a growing state of concern and awareness or own up to the violent realities and toxins you ingest. Harsh words, eh? Its even harder on the stomache.

My goal is not to enact judgment on any and everyone who eats meat. I've had enough fried chicken in my life to be tried and convicted of genocide by a jury of free-range chickens. My simple goal is challenge every reader to begin the process of envisioning what their participation in a utopian, healthy planet would look like. I have spent most of my short life fighting to remind friends, family, and those I've come into contact with that just because something has persisted for a few hundred years, or even a just a few decades, doesn't mean that it must be perpetuated. Our understanding of self, God, love, and planet are all streamlining in ways that mirror our ability to communicate through the technology that advances that process. The cynicism that wishes me good luck but believes grandpa will never change, is dead on. Grandpa will die. But as for you, you can fight against the poetry of our times or you can triumph in connecting the dots between your freedom and your responsibility and watch how the winds of change conspire to thank you.

Until then, the saying 'you are what you eat' proves most of y'all to be a bunch of jive-ass turkeys.

Saul aka _________. (What up Nas?)

ps. And don't fall for that 'Organic' or 'Free Range' bullshit. Trusting an FDA stamp on your food is like trusting an oil lobbyist in a solar paneled car discussion. Google 'Vegan Recipes' and add your own personal flair and send me a thank you note when you subsequently drop those few pounds your trainer couldn't help you with. 'Vegan Nutrition' for those who think you need meat for dietary health or just google 'MY NUTS'.

"One farmer says to me, 'You cannot live on vegetable food solely, for it furnishes nothing to make bones with'; and so he religiously devotes a part of his day to supplying his system with the raw material of bones; walking all the while he talks behind his oxen, which, with vegetable-made bones, jerk him and his lumbering plough along in spite of every obstacle." ~Henry David Thoreau, Where I Lived And What I Lived For."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

F U of M

The University of Michigan is among only FIVE PERCENT of institutions still using live animals in training programs. The rest of the schools are using the TraumaMan System which is better and humane. Animals don’t even have the same anatomy as the students will face in real life.

Cats get tubes stuck down their throats; pigs get needles stuck in their hearts. They kill all of the pigs and put the surviving cats up for adoption. It is cruel and unnecessary.

After enough pressure from animal rights groups, student protesters, and petitions they stopped using live dogs. Let’s help the cats and pigs too. Please add your name to this petition.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness)

Steve Hindi is the founder and president of SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK). SHARK is a non-profit charity devoted to protecting animals. Steve is a former fisherman who used to kill fish just for fun. He let them starve in buckets, he let them die slowly on shore, he stuck firecrackers in their mouths, and he smashed them with rocks. Even though his parents had taught him that fish had no feelings, Steve felt bad after watching the fish die. He was told the fish did not fear death but he questioned this when he used live fish as bait for bigger fish. The bait fish would thrash and try to escape when larger fish approached.

Steve continued fishing for years. He moved on to bigger equipment, bigger bodies of water, and bigger fish. He always had a “nagging voice suggesting that killing animals was not completely defensible as a hobby” in his head. Still he eventually went on to fulfill a lifelong dream and kill a shark. He mounted it on his wall. His questioning of his own actions continued. While fishing for tuna, the live fish would thrash and violently whip their tales on the deck in a state of panic. To calm them, they would cover them with a sheet. He realized they were scared and wanted to live. He compared them to other animals and realized he wouldn’t do that to them. His questioning continued but so did his fishing.

He shot a bird, at close range. His shotgun jammed and he could not fire a second “kill” shot and he was forced to watch the bird kick and flail his legs for thirty seconds until it ended. The moment seemed like an eternity. He knew he had done something wrong.

Steve and his brother captured a baby shark. They hooked him, brought him on board and stuck him in the hatch. It would be a great mount. Steve would keep looking down the hatch to see if the shark was dead yet and remembers the shark looking back at him. The next few kills didn’t feel the same. He was starting to feel bad about his actions.

Finally a friend opened up to Steve about his own “nagging voice of reason”. He too was having bad thoughts about all of the killing they had participated in. Steve knew he was not alone.

Steve decided he would never kill again.

Steve and his brother set out to repay their debt to animals. They fought against the organized pigeon shoots. They buried their “trophy” kills. Steve donated his fishing boat to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. He became an activist for animals.

Check out Steve’s website and read more about his amazing story and his activism.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tell Congress to Protect Elephants

Elephants are slaughtered for their tusks and faced with shrinking habitats. People will wipe this beautiful and amazing animal off the planet if we do not protect them.

Congress is soon to be voting on funding legislation for international conservation. Join me in telling our lawmakers we want to protect the elephants.



I love posting good news. Two weeks ago I asked people to join me in the fight to pass Proposition B in Missouri. It passed! Now tens of thousands of dogs will at least receive better treatment.

The goal is to get rid of puppy mills, but until then this will at least help the poor little guys stuck in them now.

Special thanks to Barbara Schmitz and the Missourians for the Protection of Dogs for leading this fight, Tony La Russa, and everyone who signed the petition.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dog Burned in Detroit-Please Act Tonight!!

In Detroit, a pit bull and German shepherd-mix named Lady was covered in gasoline and set on fire after failed attempts at hanging her. The Humane Society along with other organizations offered a reward of $10,000 to identify the individuals responsible.

Kristian Jackson and Decarlos Young are facing criminal charges for the abuse. They videotaped the events with their cell phones.

If you live in the Detroit area, please try to attend the court case and support the prosecution. The arraignment is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday the 18th at 9:00am in Room 801 at the Wayne County Circuit Court.

Wayne County Circuit Court, Criminal Division
Frank Murphy Hall of Justice
1441 St. Antoine Street
Detroit, MI 48226
(Always contact the Court to confirm court dates and locations as they are subject to change.)

If you cannot attend, please write a letter to the prosecuting attorney thanking her office for their work and encouraging the maximum penalty. You can contact them online by clicking on this link.


Here is the prosecuters Facebook page


Here is her email


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Disgusting Lobster Machine

The lobster zone machine is one of the most disgusting/disturbing “games” I have ever heard of. It is a claw style game where you put in money then try to grab a live lobster with a metal claw to be sent to death. The most heart breaking thing is how the lobsters react when the music starts. They panic and try to run.

Please join me in trying to get these things taken out of restaurants. We are having success. Many bars and restaurants are removing them after enough pressure.

Here is a link to the company that makes the machine.

This is what I wrote. Feel free to copy and paste.

"The machine that you are selling is very disturbing. You are encouraging people to torture lobsters before they are boiled alive, killed, and eaten. How anyone could think this is OK is beyond me. I will be boycotting any and every facility that has this torture machine and telling the owners and management that the reason is because of your horrible machine. I will also be protesting these establishments. "

I also sent a letter to 59 West in Highland, Michigan who has one of these machines. Here is the link to contact them.
Here is what I wrote. Again, feel free to copy and paste.
"It is unbelievable that your establishment has a machine where people can pick lobsters up with a metal claw to send them to their death. It is inhumane, weird, barbaric, and disgusting. There is no reason to make their inevitable death a game. It is torture for the lobsters. Please remove this machine. I will be boycotting your establishment and encouraging others to do the same as long as it remains there. "

I also wrote a letter to PETA with the restaurants info so hopefully their members will send letters.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Protect Caribou

There is nothing I love more than to see a petition to protect animals exceed its goal for signatures. Ecojustice set a goal of 10,000 signatures to protect the caribou in Alberta, Canada and it has far surpassed the goal. That is how you send a message. Let’s keep the list growing and protect these endangered animals from big corporations ruining their land.

Please sign this petition telling the Environment Minister to protect Canada’s caribou.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yo!! Oil Company!! Stop Killing Animals!!

Polar bears are on the brink of extinction. Now Big Oil wants to do onshore drilling on one of their few habitats onshore. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is also home to wolves, foxes, caribou, and many other animals. Not to mention the fact that it is a beautiful piece of nature.

Please join me in telling President Obama to protect this amazing place and its great creatures. Please sign this petition.


P.S. I had a dream last night that a polar bear lived at my house.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Protect Whales

If you have ever watched the TV show “Whale Wars” then you know how brutal the practice of whaling is. If you have not, then you should know that they harpoon the whales and they take a long time to die. It is bloody and sad. Whales are already endangered. We need to stop humans from killing these beautiful creatures. Iceland is killing hundreds of whales every year. If the killing continues, future generations might not ever know the beauty of a whale in its natural habitat

Join me in telling the U.S. ambassador to Iceland that whaling needs to stop.


Friday, November 12, 2010

How to Figure Out If a Cat Is a Stray

If you see a cat outside more than once and you are unsure if it is a stray I want to share a great technique for finding out. Simply take a piece of paper and fold it up, write your name and number on it along with instructions for the owner to call you when the cat arrives at home. You can tie it around the cat’s neck or attach a note to a makeshift collar. If you get a call you will know it has a home and if you see it again with the collar, chances are they are homeless. Many people are abandoning their companion animals during these tough economic times. They need our help. Thanks to Kelli from S.M.A.R.T. for sharing this idea with me.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Humane Society Needs Your Vote

The Humane Society is in the running to win a $250,000 grant to rescue dogs, cats, and horses. You can vote twice a day online or with a text.

The voting ends November 30th and they are currently ranked 4th. The top 2 win so please vote.

TEXT 104206 TO 73774 (PEPSI) or click on this link to vote online and see how the money will be used.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Punish Those Who Attend Animal Fights

I think attending an animal fight should be a felony. Supporting something is not much different from doing it. If people did not attend dog/cock fights then they would not exist. Animals are forced to kill other animals to avoid their own deaths for human entertainment. It’s disgusting and barbaric. We need to punish the attendees.

In New York it is only a violation to attend a dog fight. Right now there is a bill that would make it a misdemeanor. Like I said, I wish it was a felony but this is a step in the right direction.

Click on this link to support the bill.


Sunday, November 7, 2010


Cayuga Heights Deputy Mayor Bea Szekely is planning a mass slaughter of deer using a method referred to as the “net and bolt” technique. The veterinary field is saying that the method is cruel and inhumane.

The “net and bolt” technique uses drop nets or rocket-propelled nets to grab groups of deer who often are thrown into the air and then have a metal rod shot into their heads. The deer scream and struggle to escape. The people who kill the deer are compensated per dead body. Male, female, babies, families, and herds all subject to this brutality.

Click on this link to sign an online petition to try and help these deer avoid an inhumane death


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bill Clinton Goes Vegan

Check out this article and video from Vegan.com about Bill Clinton talking about his near vegan diet. The article includes the video from Bill Clinton’s conversation with CNN. He talks about his reasons and the health benefits. It’s great for the vegan cause.
