Monday, December 27, 2010

Wolves Need Help In Idaho

Picture from Defenders of Wildlife

Wolves are about to be killed from aerial gunning again. Why does everyone keep doing this? Shooting anything unarmed out of a plane or helicopter is ridiculous. These wolves are in their natural habitat.

Idaho wants to kill wolves so that elk populations will increase and attract more hunters to kill them. Stick to potatoes Idaho.

I posted on here awhile ago about this same group planning on gassing wolf pups and enough people spoke up against it to stop it. Let’s do it again.

This has got to stop. The wolves are an endangered species. Humans are going to wipe out this iconic animal. Join me in speaking out against Wildlife Services.


Friday, December 24, 2010

The survival of wolves is in your hands.

picture from

Secretary Ken Salazar is talking to officials about taking the Northern Rocky Mountain gray wolf off the Endangered Species list. If removed they will no doubt be hunted for sport. They could be completely wiped out.

Gray wolves have narrowly escaped extinction already. They are constantly faced with poisoning and hunting. Join me in protecting the gray wolf. Click on the link to sign a much needed petition on

Protect The Gray Wolf Here

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Elephants Being Killed For Jewelry

Check out this email I received from Emily L. of ThePetitionSite and then act on it.

“Hi Daniel,

Just because we don't live in a country where elephants are being poached, doesn't mean we aren't supporting it. Shockingly, the U.S. is one of the largest retail markets for imported ivory and therefore a major driver of elephant poaching in Africa.

This is sickening and needs to change. Tell President Obama to close the loophole that makes this possible!

Asian and African elephants are in major danger. Populations are falling quickly, due in large part to the greedy poachers who kill an entire animal just for their valuable tusks. Since 2005, the ivory industry has catapulted, leaving elephants to bear the burden of our desire for trinkets and souvenirs.

The U.S. should be ashamed of its involvement in such cruel and brutal killings of this suffering species.

You can help. Join me in telling President Obama that you won't stand for the U.S. supporting elephant poaching any longer.“


Pic from Care2

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

YO-Check out CREDO Mobile

CREDO Mobile is a cell phone company that donates a portion of cell phone charges to nonprofit organizations working for progressive change. They focus on civil rights, environment, peace, economic and social justice, and voting rights. Helping the environment always helps animals.

Every year they ask you where the money should go. You can chose animal rights and even help decide how much they get.

Plus, they are a very “green” company which also benefits animals. They print their bills with soy based ink on all recycled paper. They plant 100 trees for every ton of paper they use. They also focus on saving energy, recycling electronics, and solar power. Check them out. Protecting our environment protects are animals.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

You only have until Wednesday December 22nd at noon.

Join me in sending a pre-written letter to Secretary Salazar’s office to stop Shell from drilling 12 miles off the coast of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Drilling for oil is detrimental for wildlife. It is even worse when you factor in the potential for another disastrous oil spill like we have recently witnessed. We just cannot let this happen.

Greenpeace called on activists to speak up in May and succeeded in a temporary ban on new offshore drilling. Activists were instrumental in the “timeout” taken by BP last month to do more research before drilling. You can make a difference. Please click on the link to send a letter to Secretary Salazar.


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas. (Animals singing "Deck The Halls")

Friday, December 17, 2010

Still need a reason to go vegan? Click on the link to watch “Meet Your Meat”. If you think it is too hard to “watch”, imagine living like that. Go vegan.

Meet Your Meat

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fur Is Cruel

Fur is gross, weird, inhumane, and unnecessary. Whenever I do a fur protest in the winter and I am freezing my ass off, I just think about the horror that the animals experience when they are trapped and killed for their fur. It always keeps me motivated to stay out there.

I was surprised when I heard that Kohl’s carries fur products. They didn’t strike me as the type of company that would fund cruelty. They have been informed of the cruelty that goes along with fur products.

The anti-fur campaign is one of the battles that are being won by animal rights activists. Companies and people are pledging everyday to ditch fur products.

Join me in putting an end to animals being suffocated, electrocuted, gassed, poisoned, skinned alive, bludgeoned, and tortured for their fur. Speak up for foxes, coyotes, rabbits, dogs, and cats.

Click Here To Urge Kohl's To Stop Supporting Cruelty

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa For A Day

Click on the PETA naughty list and put a piece of coal in the most deserving stocking. Who will you pick? Bristol Palin, Donna Karan, Kim Kardashian, Sea World, or Ronald McDonald?  
PETA-Naughty List

Photo from PETA

Friday, December 10, 2010

End Greyhound Racing

Photo from

Most people do not know about the atrocities that take place behind the scenes at horse and dog racing events. At the Ebro Greyhound Park in Florida, 32 dogs were found dead.

The fact is, they come from breeders who kill the dogs that don’t fit the mold. Or worse yet, many of them are sold to labs to be experimented on. The ones they decide to use are confined in cages, injured in races and killed if they suffer minor injuries.

Join me in urging Florida to ban greyhound racing by signing a petition by clicking on the link.

End Greyhound Racing

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why Does Everyone Hate Wolves?

Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar is about to propose a legislation to eliminate protection for wolves in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, and Utah.

We need to write our senators and urge them to oppose this plan. Please click on the link to send a message to your senator. The text is provided. Just sign and send. Or else a wolf will eat you.

Click Here To Protect Wolves

Image from Eclipse Forest

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Phone Calls Needed to U of M

Photo from PETA

I have posted in the past about U of M using live cats and pigs in terrible experiments. They stick plastic tubes down the throats of cats and cut holes in pig’s limbs, throats, and chests. This form of testing is primitive, cruel, and unnecessary.

We have signed petitions, sent emails, protested at the university, provided other methods with expert backing, and had celebrity endorsements. It hasn’t stopped them.

Emails are easy to delete but phone calls are not. The next step is to call UM President Mary Sue Coleman at 734.764.6270 and politely ask her to replace the use of animals with modern humane simulators that the school already has. It is what all the other universities are using. The cats and pigs need your voice.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Image by Tobias Tucker

The wilderness is necessary, beautiful, calming, and home to thousands of creatures. When we protect the wilderness, we protect these creatures. We need the trees for our very own lives.

The 111th Congress is about to vote on legislation that will protect these areas. Please join me in telling them we need to pass this for energy, beauty, animals, and the future.

I am from Michigan and I can tell you that Senator Carl Levin and Senator Debbie A. Stabenow always respond to my emails.
Click on the link to support.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Use The Damn TraumaMan

Join me in asking the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center to end the use of pigs in medical courses. 95% of ATLS courses use TraumaMan. It’s humane and experts say it is better.

The text is provided, just sign and hit send.


Click here to ask the same of Baystate

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lola Lollipop

Check out Lola Lollipop in her adventures of eating. Lola Lollipop often plays on vegetarian and vegan issues.

Lara Matthews is behind Lola. She always has great quotes from great people on the site. Be sure to check out her book. Be sure to sign up to follow Lola Lollipop on Twitter or Facebook too.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Great Vegan Website With Vegan Product List


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Give Gifts That Give

I just wanted to post some more links for some holiday shopping ideas that also benefit animals. It’s a great way to give to a loved one and help animals. Its like giving twice.

Here is a link to the Humane Society catalog. They have collections for dogs, cats, humans, holiday gear, kids stuff, and a clearance section. 

The NRDC is offering a gift to help polar bears. $35 can help save one from extinction and comes with a card, a photo, and a personal message.
Polar Bear Gift

Here you can adopt ocean animals as a gift from Oceana.

SASHA Farms in Ann Arbor is an amazing animal sanctuary. Click here to benefit them from stores such as Staples, eBay, Office Depot, QVC, JCPenney, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, and Gap.

Here is a link to the PETA catalog. They fight for animals all day every day. They have great stuff.

Here is a link to a site where you can renew magazine subscriptions for yourself or as gifts. You can also order new subscriptions. You can save up to 85% off and 40% of purchases benefit the Humane Society.

Here you can buy apparel for anyone, recyclable and reusable gifts, and holiday stuff. A portion of proceeds benefit Greenpeace who is always fighting for our forests and oceans which ultimately helps animals. They have a bunch of cool shirts.

A percentage of sales of these ornaments from Urban Outfitters benefit the Humane Society.

Here is a link to Fred Meyers Jewelers PAWSitively Yours collection. They will donate $3 of every purchase to the Humane Society.

10% of this “Wet Dog” candle purchase benefits the Humane Society.

Here you can buy wine that benefits PETA.


Here you can donate to the Humane Society in someone’s name and they will receive a card or an ornament based on the amount.

The Royal Oak, Michigan animal shelter. They have a cafe press.

Oceana is offering a gift to the oceans card that you can put in holiday cards to let people know the oceans are receiving a gift on their behalf. Here you can donate $30 for 10 cards or $50 for 30 cards.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!!