Saturday, August 7, 2010

Love. Live. Pass It On.

We don’t know which religion is correct. We don’t know where we came from. We don’t know what is outside our solar system. We don’t know if we have a purpose. We don’t know which day will be our last. We don’t know what happens when we die.

All we know is that we are alive and it is amazing. Respect EVERYTHING that is alive. Recognize and appreciate the beauty that is life. We are all miracles. There is never a reason to kill ANYTHING (that isn’t trying to kill you-sorry Gandhi-I love you but if a bear or a bad guy is about to attack me I’m probably going to try and kill him.)

It is a simple message and a simple way to live. Just respect other living things. Apply the golden rule to everything. Love. Live. Pass it on.

*artwork by Roots Concepts

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