Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Can you imagine an entire country banning fur that is used for fashion? That is exactly what could happen. The animals need your help. Israel could become the first country in the world to ban fur for fashion!

The bill will be voted on September 2nd. Please act now. Write or email the Minister to let him know you support the ban. The information is below. Just copy and paste.

(From Born Free / From SMART)

The contact details are:

Binyamin Fuad Ben-Eliezer
Minister of Industry, Trade and Employment
5 Bank Israel Street
e-mail: and
(please keep trying if your email bounces back)

((note from K: you can shorten this AS MUCH as you wish, but the very first sentence is the most important!))

Dear Mister Minister,
I am writing to let you know that I strongly support the bill to ban the fur trade in Israel. This ban would set an important, compassionate example for other countries to follow.
As you know, each year, more than 70 million animals are killed for fashion. Whether used as a full-length coat or simple trim, fur represents senseless pain and suffering.
Wild-caught fur, obtained by setting traps or snares to capture fur-bearing animals, can result in the animal remaining in the trap or snare for several days before starving or slowly strangling to death. If the animal is still alive when the trapper comes to check the trap or snare, it will be beaten over the head or shot. Non-target animals that are accidentally caught and killed in these traps, such as deer, cats, dogs, and squirrels, are called “trash” and discarded.
Israel has a remarkable opportunity to be a world-leader by banning fur nationwide. The government should stand strong and do what’s right, unmoved by the self-interested pleadings of well-paid lobbyists. There is a global groundswell of support for the Israeli legislation in countries that are Israel’s friends and allies. These legions of compassionate citizens will hold Israel up as a beacon of hope for the entire world to see.
Once again, please support the ban on the fur trade to alleviate animal suffering and so that other countries, including the United States, may follow your compassionate lead.

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